The Little Winery that Could....

It was an implausible path that bolstered our winemaker and vitner Spencer Sievers into what El Corazon Winery has matured into today. Walla Walla born and later raised on a wheat farm in Pendelton Oregon, he was an unlikely contender for those future titles. Neither having a prominent wine family pedigree nor any estate vineyards to boast of, El Corazon was conceived organically and constructed with tape and glue from its infancy.

The bedrock of family farming made him "capable of hand" and gifted him a work ethic that aided his desire to design and create great wines. Spencer made his first wine in a tiny apartment in Portland Oregon and then sold bottles out of the trunk of his car on the streets of Walla Walla. Spencer opened the tasting room in 2009, forever securing their foray into the burgeoning Walla Walla wine scene. 

El Corazon has evolved through the years just as its much talked about and notorious winemaker has. A personal detour that isolated Spencer from Walla Walla and briefly stunted the winery has given way to a renaissance period of growth and exciting new collaborations with other artful and ambitious spirit makers. El Corazon is entirely a family affair that wholeheartedly embodies the mission that Spencer set forth from guest one, a place where you can be unapologetically YOU. The Cheers Bar, The Wine Dive Bar, The Unofficial Nightclub of Walla Walla, a place where you can get spanked and bear hugged in the same visit while also getting introduced to new friends and future spouses.

There have been many El Corazon babies conceived on our wines and counting! The place where pretension and decorum take a backseat to fabulous wine and RAD people. 

 Our Casa is your Casa!