The beating heart of El Corazon, old guard and new.  Spencer, our owner and founder and Garret, our International Man of Mystery.

The public faces of El Corazon is Spencer who is equally adept at charming our oldest of patrons while also breeding new wine club members and future El Corazonians as doors open weekly.

One part urban legend and the rest famously earned, our winemaker Spencer has been delivering machete spanks and long bear hugs to enthusiastic tasting room goers since 2009. That infectious persona and his talent in composing wines that engender cult followings, innately makes him the lifeblood of El Corazon. You haven't experienced El Corazon properly if you're yet bereft of his introduction and the sincerity that is realized in those moments spent however short or long.

Days and Times

Thursday 2 pm - 6 pm

Friday 12 pm - 6 pm

Saturday 12 pm - 6 pm

Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm

* Closing time is subjective to how fun the party is rolling on Fridays and Saturdays!